Udo Raaf founded the first legal MP3 Blog in 1999 (according to Wikipedia) and, after studying business communication at the University of the Arts Berlin, specialized in search engine optimization (SEO) and content strategy. Since then he has been advising clients from various industries (agencies, publishers, unions, authorities, SMEs) in the German market.

1999 Founder of www.tonspion.de the first MP3 Blog worldwide (Source: Wikipedia)
Tonspion reaches 300k readers every month and is still the biggest music blog in Germany.

2008 Diploma Strategic Communication and Planning at the University of the Arts in Berlin
Graduation work “Search and find: orientation online”

2008 Founder of www.netselektor.de as Social Bookmark-Plattform

2014 Founder of ContentConsultants: SEO Consulting.
Selected clients: Axel Springer Corporate Publishing, C3, TLGG, MELO Group, Taz, BGA, Statstisches Bundesamt, DGB, Allianz pro Schiene, CBBL Lawyers, Deutsches Schulportal, Ver.di, Fuer-Gruender.de GmbH u.v.a.

seit 2018 SEO-Workshops in der Factory Berlin

2021 Author of “The SEO Planer” (Springer Gabler 2021)

Senior SEO Consultant für Ihr Unternehmen

“Durch die professionelle Beratung und Unterstützung von Herrn Raaf konnte die Sichtbarkeit unserer Website um ein Vielfaches gesteigert werden. Die im Vorfeld der Zusammenarbeit angestrebten Ziele wurden durchweg erreicht, sogar übertroffen.”