Udo Raaf began publishing websites in 1999. After studying business communication at the Berlin University of Arts, he specialized in search engine optimization and content strategy for German-language websites with editorial content through his company, ContentConsultants.

Udo Raaf (Senior SEO Consultant)

As a Senior SEO Consultant, he has advised clients from various industries, including agencies, publishers, trade unions, and federal offices, on the subject of organic growth in search engines. His SEO consulting focuses on delivering high-quality editorial content in the German language, targeting audiences in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria, while also emphasizing the correct use of ChatGPT.

With ContentConsultants, he has established a network of writers, translators, developers, and agencies to ensure the best results for websites of all sizes.

SEO Beratung Berlin Udo Raaf
Udo Raaf – Managing Director ContentConsultants (Photo: Jule Müller)

Notable Achievements:

Das sagen meine Kunden

“Durch die professionelle Beratung und Unterstützung von Herrn Raaf konnte die Sichtbarkeit unserer Website um ein Vielfaches gesteigert werden. Die im Vorfeld der Zusammenarbeit angestrebten Ziele wurden durchweg erreicht, sogar übertroffen.” (Kunde: Bundesbehörde)

Erstberatung unverbindlich anfragen

  • In 1999, Udo Raaf founded www.tonspion.de, recognized as the first MP3 blog worldwide, which has since reached over 300,000 readers solely through organic growth. Notable clients for this venture included major record companies and well-known brands such as Telekom, Sony, Sennheiser, Desperados, Converse, beyerdynamic, Bacardi, Vodafone, and others.
  • In 2008, he earned a diploma in Communication, specializing in “Communication in Social and Economic Contexts” at the Berlin University of the Arts, with a thesis on “Searching and Finding: Orientation on the Internet.”
  • In 2008, he founded www.netselektor.de, a social bookmarking platform.
  • In 2014, Udo Raaf established ContentConsultants, where he continues to serve as a German SEO Consultant for publishers and brands.
  • Since 2017, he has been conducting SEO workshops at Factory Berlin.
  • In 2019, he served as the Interim Head of SEO Consultant at Fuer-Gruender.de GmbH, a SaaS company based in Frankfurt.
  • In 2020, Udo Raaf conducted a webinar titled “Crash Course SEO” aimed at helping companies during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • In 2021, he authored “The SEO Planner – Correctly Organizing and Implementing Search Engine Optimization in Companies (with Checklists)” (Gabler Verlag).
  • Udo Raaf’s clientele includes notable organizations such as Axel Springer Corporate Publishing, C3, TLGG, MELO Group, Taz, BGA, Statistisches Bundesamt, DGB, Allianz pro Schiene, CBBL Lawyers, Ver.di, German School Portal, and many others.

More information

About the book

The SEO Planner by Udo Raaf (2021)

“The SEO Planner” by Udo Raaf (2021) provides a user-friendly introduction to developing a functional SEO strategy, intended to assist companies in planning search engine optimization without errors. The author avoids technical jargon and focuses on core topics for SEO success. The book emphasizes that SEO isn’t just about Google; it also opens a direct channel to customers.

Key Questions Addressed in the Book:

  • What are customers actually searching for?
  • How do people conduct online searches?
  • Who are your customers, and who is your competition?
  • How can you reach potential customers who aren’t yet familiar with your company?

The book highlights that while social media mainly reaches existing fans of a company or organization, SEO can attract new customers over the long term without intrusive advertising. By analyzing search queries, SEO can make the specific needs of customers visible.

Udo Raaf emphasizes that companies should not entirely outsource SEO to agencies but should actively engage with search engine optimization and continuously build in-house knowledge.

In this essential book, Udo Raaf guides readers through the entire SEO process in 8 steps and discusses all factors relevant to both users and search engines to enhance web content visibility. The book includes a foreword by Prof. Dr. Mario Fischer, the editor of the specialist journal “Website Boosting.”


“With ‘The SEO Planner,’ Udo Raaf has written a pleasantly compact and well-researched introduction to the topic of search engine optimization. I strongly recommend it for anyone looking to familiarize themselves with the subject and gain an up-to-date overview of modern SEO.”

Dominik Schwarz – Chief Inbound Officer Home2go and founder of Vertical Inhouse, the platform for in-house SEOs

“It’s certainly a good start not to expect a specialist book containing several hundred pages right from the beginning. In books like this, it often takes a long time to reach sections where you can directly implement something. Udo Raaf’s SEO planner doesn’t burden you with this issue. It gets straight to the point quickly, and, most importantly, the numerous checklists assist both beginners and advanced users in staying on track and not overlooking anything crucial. The best course of action is to start right away. This book is ideal for a quick introduction to the topic of SEO.”

Prof. Dr. Mario Fischer (editor of the specialist journal “Website Boosting” and professor for business informatics at the FH Würzburg – University of Applied Sciences)